is an intriguing little website owned by the (not so?) fictional Chichi Pyonma (or "Chi"). You cannot separate it from the small game "oct 14" and Niomi's first music album, "chichi", released on december 13, 2024 alongside a music video. Wether all that is told through those three pieces of media is fictional or has a strong foot into reality I cannot say.
If you haven't seen any of these, spoiler ahead, I guess? If you're interested, read the website's blog, play the game and watch the music video, preferably in that order.
The medias contain multiple puzzles or secrets which slowly build a grim story around what happened to this Chi. I will list here the ones I've found or know of, although don't expect anything really ground-breaking for I already have a hard time winning at tic-tac-toe.
The website was apparently updated after the album came out and as a result some of the puzzles that were discovered beforehand are not present anymore. Two threads exist online talking about those easter eggs, namely this Reddit post and this Steam discussion, however some of the links talked about return 404.
Again, if you're interested, I recommend searching for the secrets
yourself. Check the box to make the text appear.
(Oops, seems your browser doesn't support some CSS used here. The content below this message should be masked, but is left visible for older browsers. You're not missing anything.)
Here's what I got as of now:
List of hidden stuff
Non-exhaustive. (Edit: new updates are written below)
Most obvious: the blog's first entry seems "corrupted" and among the
CSS code shown are comments urging us to "listen" and that "the keys of
the keyboard are the key". This entry also contains a cipher
("zit vgksr olfz ktqs") which has already been decoded by the Steam
conversation as being "the world isnt real". You can decode it yourself
online, here
for example (maybe the phrase "the keys are the key" was simply to say
which decoder to use). You get booted off the page after a while. I don't
know more than this.
link: /diary/fatal7777777777777
Scattered through the whole website are some letters of a different
. It seems the old website
also had these as the Reddit folks have found you could spell with them
"our spot
", which added to the link with a hyphen
(/our-spot) bring us to a
hidden page showing a map of where the story took place.
Some hidden links on the website bring us to pages listing the different platforms where one can find Niomi's work, such as:
The Steam discussion mentions the link /something, but the original content seems to have been removed and all that's left is a blank page.
Talking about already-found links, most of the ones in the Reddit post don't work anymore exept for /best-friends. (Most working links return 404 if ending with a forward slash, oddly.) You get this links by finding all letters written in subscript scattered through the blog posts. (The old website had this secret already, but it seems all the letters were contained in a single blog entry.) The Reddit post says that it should lead to a photograph itself leading to a video with Bev and Chi talking to eachother but I personally receive after the photograph a ZIP file with multiple videos of Chi and Bev (assumption), walking in nature. Although we don't see them, we hear them exchanging words (though my ESL ear cannot understand what they're saying).
From the main page, clicking on the button Y2K brings us to a hidden page (/y2k) with... what looks like weird stars, each bringing us to more hidden pages:
- /chi
- An animated drawing of a rabbit whose eyes are crossed over
with red, and with what looks like blood under it. A sound is supposed
to autoplay when you land on the page (it didn't for me, even after making
sure I allowed the website to). the sound contains the following morse
.-- .. - .... .-- --- .-. -.- .. -. --. . -.-- . ... ... .... . ... - .. .-.. .-.. .-. . ..-. ..- ... . -.. - --- ... . . - .... . .-. --- .- -.. .- .... . .- -.. (WITH WORKING EYES SHE STILL REFUSED TO SEE THE ROAD AHEAD)
The rabbit is very probably a reference to Chi as we know that her favourite animal is bunnies. - /nothingb
- This leads to an error 404 page (a real one apparently, as the server does indeed respond with 404).
- /yp
- Another error 404 page.
- /bev
- An animated drawing of a dead canine, with blood all around.
The animal is very probably a coyote. Another audio file (should)
autoplay when opening the link, containing once again morse code:
-.-- . - .... . -.-. --- ..- .-.. -.. ... . . .. - ..-. .-. --- -- .- -- .. .-.. . .- .-- .- -.-- (YET HE COULD SEE IT FROM A MILE AWAY)
Bev is related to coyotes, and if you've played the game you know that she met her demise. - /yumi
- An interesting one. The page shows a notebook which one can click on
to open it, revealing drawings of two persons, a girl named... "4441"?
and another named Carrie. (OC's?)
A yellow note seems to be about to fall from the notebook. The title bar actually changes when opening the book to "inspect here". By doing what it asks and "inspecting" the page's source (F12), then deleting the div of the notebook, the note is revealed. "this4brainz" is written on it, and the developer console gently mocks us... I don't know if it's a real secret or if we're just made fun of. (Note: Niomi did publish in 2022 an album named "yumi".) - /nothing
- Another error page, although this one is fake, the server returns 200 meaning the file probably really exists. The "N" of "Page Not Found" is written in subscript? Why?
From the about page, clicking on the word "In the Meantime" brings us to /spacehog, a music clip which seems corrupted at the end. The grave of Bev quickly appears around 01:04 with her full name on it: Beverly Ramos.
On the main page, there are some tentacle-thingies jiggling at the bottom. (The name of the animated image is "bevtacles".) Clicking on them lead us to the page /hallway, which immediately redirects us (in a random order?) to /locker and /clock, showing Chi's(?) locker with the paper or the clock stuck at 7:45, two things from the game.
Edit (2025-02-24): The physical copy of the CD comes with the name of a hidden page, supposedly called /memoriam. As of now, this link returns 404.
...And that's all I have.
Additional notes
(me throwing things at the wall)
An interesting thing to note: the content of the video Niomi released on october 31, 2024 (canonically in 2004, tells us the description), named "chi's halloween special", actually happens in the animated video at around 30:20. Since we know "oct 14" takes place in 2002, this scene happened a bit more than 2 years later. And the lyrics of the playing song back it up! Meaning part of the animated video takes place on Halloween of 2004.
The "THANK U" message from the last scene can also be seen as a blog post, this time dating from December 13, 2004.
The pronouns used in the morse code of /chi and /bev are ambiguous: the way I see it, they could refer to Chi and Bev respectively ('he' could refer to Bev since the blog mentions she's a very boyish girl) or both could refer to Bev since it's hinted she may have some gender issues. Moreover, the lyrics of the song "trust game" do mention a boy:
That coyote cried out
For the bunny was blind
And the boy, never deaf
To the girl’s strange advancements
Her neck couldn’t hold
Up the weight of her actions
But she just kept running
Trying to keep up the act
So it's maybe possible that 'he' could be something like "the boy inside Bev".
Though this doesn't explain the presence of the "road" in the morse code. Is it
the game's road, or should this be taken metaphorically?
And as a side note, I believe "Her neck couldn't hold... Trying to keep up the
act" may refer to Bev. That goes along well with the fact she was avoiding
Chi up until october 14. But that would imply she'd have something to be guilty
of, what would that be? We know she was mad at Chi for what she posted on her
blog, but surely there's something else... Let's not forget the trail of blood
behind her. Or it's not strictly related to when she was avoiding her, but more
how she kept living her life like nothing happened between her and Chi.
(I knew it was probably overkill to do that but I looked up online and found no mentions of a Beverly Ramos having passed away in Minnesota in 2002. It doesn't help that archives of local newspapers published in 2002 are near-impossible to find.)
It's possible to locate the school Chi frequented with a bit of Google-mapping.
The parking lot present in the game, the road as well as the "ONE WAY" sign are
very real. Google's images only go back to 2008, but... Wait, hang on. Are there...
rocks on the exact same place the memorial is placed in the game? Wha-
Coincidence. This is what an all-nighter does to a man.
...The End?
All of these creations prooobably tell the story of someone who saw their best friend die and are struggling to cope with the loss (glossing over a lot). What's weird to me is that if the album ends on a positive note (last song: december), then why update the website? Why create those new puzzles, which seem to not have been talked about yet, and removing some old ones? (And what's about this screenshot on the Steam page of the game showing a painting of a giant vulva on the floor, which according to the Steam discussion, isn't actually present in the game's files?) It's like the story isn't over yet, but leaving it at that would be a perfect ending. I think I'll wait until more is shown or more knowledgable people share their findings. And if I'm just going in circles trying to find a deeper meaning which doesn't exist, well, that's me alright.
Written 2025-02-13, edited whenever
Because of the nature of the website, I may take secrets I haven't discovered yet as new, I will say so if I have doubts. If I believe that the found information already existed, it will be added in the original post.
🗒️ Update 1
Somehow I was right to keep an eye on it, the website was updated. The update probably came between february 13 and 19.
Probably unimportant: until recently the website had two different kinds of 404 pages, one of them seemed to be a remain of the old website (because styled differently). As of writing, this page does not appear anymore.
The page /nothing was updated. The "N" of "Page Not Found" does not appear in subscript anymore. I do not know if I simply missed it before, but one can drag the illustration image to reveal a hole underneath. Clicking on it leads to the aforementioned page /something. Again, nothing is on this page, it's just a blank screen, but deliberately so.
/diary/fatal7777777777777 was updated, the overall look of the page is different. I do not know if I simply missed it before, but the cipher seems to have been changed: among the repetition of "the world isnt real" hides "the world is /surreal". Adding it to the url brings us to /surreal. This page contains lyrics (or a poem?) whose content conveys that Chi is still grieving. A new ambient sound autoplays (or should, at least). Below the text is a GIF image of a forest and a lighthouse on a coast. (The lighthouse is probably Split Rock Lighthouse, located in Two Harbors, Minnesota, the closest one to Silver Bay.)
/hallway does not redirect to /locker or /clock anymore; in fact these pages have been removed. The content of those two pages is now directly accessible from /hallway. Probably some housekeeping.
🗒️ Update 2
The website was updated yet again, either today or yesterday.
/y2k was updated:
- The page's background is now animated RGB noise. (according to the Steam discussion, this was a feature of the old website, too. Is the old content being carried over?) The noise doesn't move in specific places, spelling the words "SHE'S LYING!".
- /nothingb has been removed.
- /yp has been removed.
- /desktop was added. There we are
greeted by an old CRT screen, which we can interact with to display a Windows XP-like
desktop. Clicking on one of the icons opens a password prompt. We can fill it with
the message we found at /yumi. An application
launches, and the taskbar informs us that it's called "YP". Everything glitches out, RGB
noise covers the screen and a song starts playing! The browser's console slowly fills
up with the message "
i wanna be your pet
", before suddenly being cleared after having printed for a split second the lines:
ouuh spooky
It almost feels like there's something in the RGB noise... I'm maybe just imagining things.
DuckDuckGo returned a page I hadn't seed before, /entropy. It doesn't seem to be linked anywhere on the website directly. To keep an eye on.
🗒️ Update 3
The page /memoriam now exists and
no longer returns 404 (earlier the same day, the page didn't exist). The page
contains the obituary of Bev, informing us that a memorial service was held at the
Split Rock Lighthouse (Two Harbors, MN). Some text, which seems to be family members'
names, was redacted. I don't remember having seen Bev's face somewhere else before.
Edit: I've been told that this obituary had already been found on the old vebsite.
It seems it was only added back now.
🗒️ Update 4
Niomi said the website was finished now. I probably simply missed it before,
but the song "under control" that you can hear at /music
contains morse code at the end: ... .-.. .- ... .... .-- .- - -.-. .... .. -. --. (SLASH WATCHING)
. using this URL brings us to /watching, where we
are greeted by a portable TV also emitting morse code: .. - ... ... .. .-.. .-.. --... - --- - .... .. -. -.- .. -.-. .- -. - ... .---- . -.-- --- ..- -... ..- -. -. -.-- (ITS SILL7 TO THINK I CANT S1E YOU BUNNY)
. Keep in mind the numbers replacing some letters.
/best-friends was moved to /bestfriends.
/something was removed. Instead, finding the secret in /nothing
presents us with a morse code keyer which emits the following code:
-.-- --- ..- -.... .-. --- -... .- -... .-.. -.-- - .... .. -. -.- -.-- --- ..- .-. . ... --- -.-. .-.. . ...- . ....- .-- .... . -. -.-- --- ..- .-. . .- .-.. --- -. . (YOU 6ROBABLY THINK YOURE SO CLEVE4 WHEN YOURE ALONE)
/our-spot was moved to /ourspot. Clicking on the circle drawn on the map shows us a video where the POV is inside a maze (very reminiscent of that windows screensaver). The window title changes to "map it out!" and a text file is automatically downloaded, representing a top-down view of that same maze. We need to watch the video and trace the path the camera is taking, which slowly forms the letters "sparks".
Adding that to the url brings us to /sparks, a page
which shows an old LCD TV with a bouncing "No Signal!" logo. This logo flickers, and that is actually
also morse code: -.-- --- ..- .--- ..- ... ...-- .... .- -.. - --- .-. ..- .. -. - .... .- - ..--- .. --. .... - -.. .. -.. -. - -.-- ..... ..- (YOU JUS3 HAD TO RUIN THAT 2IGHT DIDNT Y5U)
Now, looking at those morse codes, we can easily guess which letters the numbers replace. The numbers go from 1 to 7, if we take them as indices and order the missing letters based on them, we end up with:
1 | E |
2 | N |
3 | T |
4 | R |
5 | O |
6 | P |
7 | Y |
You probably guessed it, this brings us to /entropy. An ominous locked up box is alone on this page. Clicking on the lock, we can see that an inscription is written on it: "JUST LIKE MATH CLASS".