
Holy science

Some Atheists swear by Science and consider it to be capable to answer all problems in the universe. But thus far, we cannot understand the reason of our existence on this planet. In regard to the origin of the universe, Science isn't able to deny the existence of any God or supernatural being. This may seem dumb because it is ridiculously easy to say, but over the years, I've started to agree more and more with this statement.

Yes, inconsistencies exist in holy texts, for example the age of the earth in the Bible. But how can we be sure that those are proof that the entire content of those texts were made up? All of these stories went through millions of minds before reaching us, it's a given that inconsistensies will appear. Moreover, how can we attempt to debunk with scientific methods a story, made thousands of years before us?

But debunking religions is one of Science's last worries. Because it is simply a representation of reality, constructed through theories and experiments that ultimately boil down to throwing things at the wall and seeing what sticks. Science cannot answer existential questions because we have no way to truly understand reality, no matter how hard we try. Empirical data of why the universe was created simply doesn't exist. We can explain a tiny bit of "how" it happened, but not "why". Discovering new subatomic particles won't help us in this regard. (Religions do give answers. We have all the rights in the world to criticise them, of course, but I believe them to be simply out of reach of Science.) I find people only using Science to explain everything to be rather closed-minded. It constantly gets things wrong, but when it does (when it doesn't stick), we change our theories and after some time it looks like Science was right all along.