

nhschema is a program capable to read (most of) the cosmetic items from TF2's client item schema and outputing them in a format readable by nhupdater2 or by nhcustom2. It was created to allow the generation of new versions of no-hats-bgum much more quickly, as reading the item schema allows to more reliably determine which cosmetic items are replacing bodygroups.

The parser hasn't been thoroughly tested against all possible edge cases that may exist in the item schema. Nevertheless, it should work well with recent cosmetics.

Using the -c option makes the program output a database usable by nhcustom2. One must also use the -l option when in this mode, followed by the path to a language file (containing translations), which can be found at tf/resource/. For example, tf_english.txt. If no translation is found for an item name, the printed string will be the default english name.


All files must be encoded in UTF-8 with no BOM. Be careful as most (if not all) of the language files are encoded in UTF-16 with BOM. One must convert them before using them. It can be done in Vim with set fenc=utf8 and set nobomb or with iconv: iconv -f utf-16 -t utf-8 oldfile >newfile

The passed schema must be the one used by Team Fortress 2, as some entry names and their location are hard-coded into the program.

For hats that use the same model between styles (e.g. "Dead of Night"), bodygroups will reappear for all of those styles, wether or not they were disabled to begin with (resulting in overlapping hats, which is in most circumstances not noticeable unless you modify the mod with nhcustom2). This isn't really an issue with this program but with how this whole make-hat-reappear gimmick works. We can't toggle bodygroups on and off with the same model.

For the same reasons, hats that use the same model between classes (e.g. "Honest Halo") aren't supported and are treated as hats that don't hide any bodygroups.

A lot of entries (mostly medals) use the same model, this results in the program outputting a lot of duplicated lines. To speed up nhupdater2 and nhcustom2, you may want to pipe the output of this program through sort -u.

Updates are not listed in the item schema, the program will write None in the update field when generating the database.

Hats frequently have a release date in the item schema that is a couple of days off with the day where they actually were released, so one should always verify the dates to see if they are accurate.


./nhschema [-c -l LANGFILE] <items_game.txt